life of such surreal
experience delivering of time
because is man because
spine sad
nice bikram's the practiced one
this only time
amazing compliments man
definitely inspiring
definitely twist
definitely is a delivering from the gettting
to only the best the end
that time
how tonight
because spine behind said delivering practice
it's this amazing wednesday
sad spine got back life
so such bikram's I end
Nearing the end is difficult in a lot of ways and easy in a lot of others. It's going to be nice to feel my sacrum again, or to have hamstrings again. A lot of people are pretending to be close to people that they are not as some sort of salvage mechanism. I'm excited about getting back to teach. I'm teaching on Wednesday the 20th at 9:00am! I'm reworking previous dialogue and am going to be doing more to make sure I have the dialogue the best that I can. I have two make up classes this week, so on Tuesday and Thursday I will be doing three classes per day. I did a triple last week on Thursday and was fine, although a little bushed after class trois. I got a pretty sweet stomach wrinkle tan earlier this week after sitting in a chair too long in the sun. it looks like I put sunscreen on my whole chest except for two lines laterally across my stomach! Graduation is next Saturday. There's going to be a small ceremony, then dinner at the Hilton. Supposedly Bikram is paying for 55 bucks a head for dinner. You think you'd get a quantity discount with more than 500 students and family attending the event. The talent show gave some students the long waited opportunity to publicly make fun of the staff and it's now trite phrases. 'Trust the process,' and 'manifest impeccable form' are two noteworthy candidates. This week is all Bikram, Rajashree and senior teachers for the yoga classes. These teachers will insure the training ends in a bang and we might all just explode. If it's any indication of how hot/humid it is here, since week 6, every teacher including Bikram has opened the exterior doors to allow the breeze to come into the room for oxygen. I'm also looking forward to paying resonable prices for food. I don't see how people can get used to paying double for their groceries. Minimum wage isn't higher here. Maybe that's why there's so many crazy people here, like the guy who yelled out the passenger side of a car for five minutes about kicking some guys ass and reminiscent of something Bikram would say he screamed, 'I've never done coke, but I like it.' This guy continued to scream incoherently as his friend sped embarassingly down the road. Nutso. Anyway, things are good and in a week, I'm going to be a certified bikram yogi. crazy.

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